Verband für
Milchverarbeitung e. V.
Verband für
Milchverarbeitung e. V.
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Natural Starters and Fermented Milks with David Asher

This two day course in dairy fermentation will help producers understand the nuances of natural starters. In class we will be covering four of the main ways of fermenting dairy, including fermented milk starters, kefir grains, using natural materials like wood and thermophilic starters.

Unsere Termine

Natural Starters and Fermented Milks with David Asher - online in English

  • Di, 13. - Mi, 14. Mai 2025
  • Online über Zoom-Videokonferenz 
  • ab 200,00 €

Approximate class schedule

Day one

15:00 The biology, microbiology and history of dairy fermentation

16:15 Break

16:30 The care and use of fermented milk starters

18:30 End day one

Day two

15:00 Kefir culture & Amasi

16:15 Break

16:30 Natural yogurt & thermophilic starters

18:30 End

Course in Natural Starters and Fermented Milks

We will make several fermented dairy products along the way as we learn about the various aspects that influence milk’s fermentation, including Dickmilch, Kefir, Amasi (a milk beer from Africa), Yogurt, Gros Lait (a French mesophilic yogurt), and Ryazhenka (an Ukrainian yogurt). The class will also provide technical advice and context for using natural starters in commercial dairies.


David Asher is a Natural Cheesemaker, bringing the traditions of dairying, fermentation and coagulation back into this age-old craft.

A former farmer and goatherd from the west coast of Canada, David now travels widely, sharing a very old but also very new approach to dairying with his Black Sheep School of Cheesemaking.

Through teaching about the use of in-house starter cultures and natural rennet from calves and kids, David helps cheesemakers around the world reclaim their traditional cheeses. He also explores the relations of all food fermentations, and the important role of small scale and traditional food production in our modern world.

David is the author of The Art of Natural Cheesemaking and the upcoming ‘Raw Milk Cheesemaker’.


Um an dem Online-Seminar teilzunehmen, benötigen Sie:

  • einen guten Internetzugang
  • PC, Laptop, Tablet oder Handy mit aktiviertem Lautsprecher
  • Kamera und Mikrofon werden nicht unbedingt benötigt
  • gute Englisch-Kenntnisse! Der Kurs wird nicht übersetzt.

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Das Seminar behandelt verschiedene Bereiche der Lebensmittelhygiene. Alle Teilnehmer:innen erhalten ein Zertifikat über die Teilnahme an einer Hygieneschulung nach Artikel 4 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 852/2004.